About ToddleeDoo

The original and first realistic fully adjustable mesh avatar for children, babies and toddlers in Secondlife created from hardwork of Bit McMillan at CuteBytes Store.

Most current version of ToddleeDoo is the 2.6

Furniture Help

Most any furniture with the ability to adjust a pose can be fitted to ToddleeDoo as there is no warp in the body that breaks the animations.

However with that said .. yes some of us just want certain items. 

So with that said provided below is a list of stores carrying different furniture either predone or adjustable to fit Toddleedoo. Each will be marked to give you easier shopping ideas.

~*Cozy Baby ~ Cozy Kids*~ - Adjustable & Prefitted
*AR* Furniture - Adjustable & Prefitted
Knick Knacks - Adjustable
Abby Lane - Adjustable & Prefitted

To be listed simply grab the Notecard in the Official ToddleeDoo Support Group Notices.