About ToddleeDoo

The original and first realistic fully adjustable mesh avatar for children, babies and toddlers in Secondlife created from hardwork of Bit McMillan at CuteBytes Store.

Most current version of ToddleeDoo is the 2.6

Basic F.A.Q.

What is ToddleeDoo?
ToddleeDoo is a mesh avatar worn to recreate the look of baby or toddler within the social network Second Life.

Can I wear my own shape? 
Yes you can using simply modifications from the neck down to allow the mesh sizing to be correct. You can do this easily using the body numbers. Or purchase a premade Toddledoo Shape at a variety of stores.

More info how to do this can be found on Shape Help.

Can I use my own skin? 
Yes of course since Toddleedoo only covers from the neck down any skin you choose will show on the face with the ability of an extensive skin HUD provided by Bit to match any look. There are also several designers within Second Life who offer both Sl Layer Skin and Matched ToddleeDoo Hud to create seamless match without any knowledge of skin huds needed.

More info how to do this can be found on Skin Help.

Can I wear my mesh hairs? 
No we apologize but the deform within the neck makes this almost impossible in most cases. You will need either mesh hair made specific around the deform by Bit McMillan at Cutebytes or normal style sculpt/prim hair.

More info how to do this can be found on Hair Help.

Will my old clothing still work? 
No it will not we do apologize for this. However there are many upon many top designers and new coming great designers that create needed clothing for the Toddledoo.

More info how to do this can be found on Clothing Help.

What AO's can I use for this Avatar? 
ANY. Yes We said it any. The only downfall is the height ratio. Grounds sits do not work out so well. However you can adjust your Z modifier when ground sitting or purchase custom sits made specific for the toddledoo and use them either in HUD or stand alone from inventory at anytime.

More info how to do this can be found on AO's Help.

How do I Update my ToddleeDoo? 
Within your purchased ToddleeDoo folder you will find the "4 - Body Controller HUD (ToddleeDoo)". At the bottom right of this HUD when worn you will see the words Help/Update. Simply touch this to get a new/fresh copy of current version. This acts not only to update but also say Linden Labs has borked a script and need replace something in the folder.

I have more questions how can I get help? 
Easily there is a specilized support group ready to help with lots of friendly members to chime in anytime with their own tips and tricks. 

Link below will bring the group up in your Second Life Viewer.

ToddleeDoo Official Support Group

or paste to Local Chat
