Clothing is a must right?
NO sorry your old SL layer clothing will NOT fit you need specialized appliers for them. Here is why. Let's remember in earlier section we learned that our bodies are mesh right? Mesh is a form of Second Life prim upload. Prim object have to be texturized right? Which means the mesh needs to be textured as well.
ToddleeDoo bodies need the same treatment they have to be textured same as we did wearing our skin. This is done via a texturing HUD. There are 3 ways you may receive this texturizing HUD.
On Touch HUD - This is a HUD found in the clothing folder which we wear and touch.
On Worn - As soon as we wear it will auto activate with a blue menu box asking us.
Script in Clothing Item (On Worn) - Acts the same as our "On Worn HUD" but the script maybe located within say a belt or skirt we have put on.
About Skinny & Looser
Skinny and looser is a method of layering our clothing. This behaves the same as normal Second Life clothing would when say wear underpants and pants or shirt and jacket. Using this we can wear multiple items layering them up giving more optional looks.
Now on to the goodies where to find our clothing. To make it easy they are listed on seperated pages simply click and go to the page of your choice.
Girls Clothing
Boys Clothing
To be listed simply grab the Notecard in the Official ToddleeDoo Support Group Notices.
38 minutes ago